Monday, April 05, 2010

Global Warming Doubters Share Low IQ and High Gullibility

The New Yorker has a nice article on global warming doubters in the current issue: Among other things, the article cites a recent study from George Mason University that found that more than 25% of weathermen agree that "Global warming is a scam." It also mentions Joe Bastardi, the frequent Fox News visitor and global warming doubter, who uses an absurdist combination of volcanism, sunspots, and a sea-temperature trend known as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation to argue the earth is cooling. He then suggests waiting 20 or 30 years to see who is right. While we're at it, let's just legalize all pharmaceuticals in the country and wait to see how many people die. Of course Fox News likes him, but why is he showing up on the front page of the New York Times? Well he does have a BA in meteorology, which should make him just as credible as Nobel Prize winning scientists across the globe and every credible scientific body in the world. It is because of crackpots like this, and the media's irresponsibility in covering the issue credibly, that a majority of Americans have come to believe that global warming is a conspiracy. One wonders in the end what (and who) the American people won't believe . . .

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