In good news
for big business and conservatives and bad news for democracy, the Supreme
Court has again sided with the rich over democracy – in this case by
eliminating the overall limit on what individuals can contribute to individual
campaigns. (NY
Times) Following in the footsteps of the Citizens United decision of 2010, a 5-4 majority decided in McCutcheon v.
Federal Election Commission, No. 12-536 to stike down a decade-long limit on
individual contributions to candidates. The reason? The conflating of the first
amendment with spending money has been the legal legitimation of undercutting
democracy for several years now. But the real reason is to ensure that the pesky
will of the people not interfere with the interests of corporations and the
And the
results have been largely positive, except at the Presidential level the past
two cycles. The Koch brothers have sold America a “populist” movement that was
secretly and largely sponsored by their $50 billion plus fortune. Right wing media sells the “silent
majority” their racist, sexist, homophobic and xenophobic messages of hate. And
the dollars behind the machine so outstrip those of their opponents that the
Senate might actually turn because the GOP is really good at ensuring that
nothing of note happens whenever a “liberal” is in the highest office in the
land. It is an extraordinary strategy and one that is sure to continue the slow
but steady decline of America as an economic and political superpower, the land
of opportunity and a “beacon for democracy.” Ironically, as with the Tea Party
movement itself – the very people voting with this “silent money” will be
destroying the very thing they so rapidly support. Go America! No, serious …
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