Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Conservatives Put Foot In It … What Else is New?

Three quotes from three leading conservatives in the past few days more or less sums up the state of the Grand Ole Party these days …

Sarah Palin: “Waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists.” (Gawker)

Rep. Paul Ryan to an early morning church service, speaking about his passion for bowhunting: “Usually when I get up this early, I get up to kill something.” (Political Wire)

Rush Limbaugh, on LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling and his racist rant (for those who don’t know, he was just banned for life and fined $2.5 million dollars by the NBA): “Look, this Donald Sterling business, I have to tell you something, folks, this is not news to anybody who has known of this guy. I was telling Mr. Snerdley this morning, this guy's a big Democrat.  The only reason he's in trouble right now is he did not give enough money to Obama.  This guy was gonna get a leadership award from the NAALCP LA chapter, the second one.  This guy is a typical Hollywood Democrat.  He's sort of a pretend A-lister.  But who he is, his racialist tendencies, everything on these tapes, it's been so widely known by everybody in the NBA, everybody in the sports media for 10 to 15 years, for however long he's owned this team. “( The only problem … Sterling is a registered Republican. Funny, Fox News tends to make this mistake often when a GOPer is involved in a scandal. 

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