Friday, August 29, 2014

Anti-Obamacare Rhetoric Suddenly Silent

After all the attempts to kill Obamacare, there appears to be a turning of the tide. Even as Obama’s general approval ratings could pull the party down, it does not appear that his signature bill will do so any longer. In fact, it appears some democrats see it as a potential plus: “"Democrats like this bill," [Harvard School of Public Health public opinion analysts Robert] Blendon said. "There's a big mistake that nobody likes this bill. They really like it lot and there are features of it that are incredibly popular with Democrats or more moderate independents." (Daily Kos)

Even conservatives appear less likely to bring it up, with many turning to immigration, economic growth, tax cuts, general hate mongering and the use staple of wedge issues and anti-government rhetoric that might just find them controlling both houses of the legislature in a few short months. So while Obamacare might survive, one can assume trouble is in the offing for the majority of the country starting next year. The veto might be our only savior.

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