Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Man Who Noone Wants

Mitt Romney took another step toward securing the Republican presidential nomination yesterday with a big victory in the New Hampshire primary: CNN. He pulled 40% of the vote, while second place Paul only mustered 23% and Huntsman 17%. Oddly, the press appears to be joining the fray to find someone, nay anyone, else that can challenge the preemptive nominee now. Reports from the media last night and today focused on who would win second place and the latest potential challenger, largely ignoring the fact that Romney was the first non-incumbent to win both Iowa and New Hampshire. It will still be interesting to see what happens in the South, but one wonders if the media simply doesn't know what to do if they have to discontinue their "horse race" coverage so early. They might have to actually, gasp, report on the issues and check out whether Romney is as big a liar as so many are charging (hint, he is!) So while the GOP has been attempting with tireless resolve to find someone who can challenge the money and electability rhetoric of the Romney campaign, they are clearly running out of time and, well, money ... Ironically, one could argue that the GOP might pick a candidate who sometimes skewed too close to Obama to beat him, assuming none of their radical choices can actually get the job done. One hopes they are wrong.

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