Today, I thought I would include three short quotes from the
Sunday Morning talk show Meet the Press,
that to me exemplify everything that is wrong with media today. The first came
in a nice piece remembering the beloved Tim Russert, who died in 2008. To honor
his memory, David Gregory brought out his son (now a reporter at NBC News) to
talk about a new introduction he wrote to his dad’s book about his grandfather
and their special relationship. After talking about the major effort his father
made to see him, even as he worked long hours seven days a week, he made the
following comment, “You don’t have to be rich to try. You don’t have to be rich
to care.” Seriously? So now rich fathers are implicitly better than everyone else’s?
I’m sure he didn’t really mean anything by the comment, but it’s just the
bizarre nature of the contemporary moment, when polls find that the rich these
days really do think they are superior to everyone else and can thus talk down
to the public with a paternalism that seems to predate the French revolution
and guillotine.
Earlier on the same show, Republican strategist Steve Schmidt
spoke rather articulately on the problem of conservative immigration rhetoric
and its relationship to a viable run at the Presidency: “It’s impossible for us
to build a coalition to win the presidency with less than 40 percent of the
Hispanic vote. Mitt Romney is at 27 percent, the electorate is going to be two
percent less White. We don’t have an opportunity to make our case, deliver our
message, make the case that our policies are good for 100 percent of the people
until we can effectively deal with this issue.” While he is obviously right,
the most compelling thing to me about this statement is the absurdity that any
political agenda could serve even close to “100 percent” of the population. If
that were true, we wouldn’t even need democracy – we could just have a host of
experts, a philosopher king or even a coterie of selfless Plutocrats that could
enact the policies that help us all. The funny thing is I think he actually believed
the BS he was shoveling; showing the general degradation of not only
conservative thinking, but thinking in general.
That thought was further exemplified by columnist Ruth Mark of
the Washington Post who continued the
discussion with this gem, “There is an easy road ahead for the Republican
party.” She went on to highlight a fascinating Pew Research Institute poll that
claimed both Liberals and Conservatives have gotten more liberal on the issue
of immigration. But as the great cynic H. L. Mencken once said, “Explanations
exist; they have existed for all times; there are always well-known solutions
to every human problem – neat, plausible, and wrong.” Because while it might be
true that there has been a movement to the left on immigration, there has also
been a movement to the left on economic issues, on corporate and high income
taxation, on equality and gay rights. But she is speaking of a party that works
against all these popular opinions and feeds on the fear and hatred of a base
that gets older and older and whiter and whiter over time. This easy way
forward is one of the reasons Cantor lost and it would leave the entire party
without a key element of their platform – blaming everyone for the decline of
America except for the fat cat capitalists they serve.
Ignored by most was the heart of the matter, as highlighted
by Eurasia Group analyst Sean West: “"Cantor was the hub for finance, the
hub for a host of big corporations that could trust him to get things done. He
was the one standing between the conservative pitchforks and the business
community on a whole host of issues." It appears that he lost not only
because of his more moderate stance on immigration, but because his ambition,
ideological flexibility and policy of serving the power elites of the country
simply turned off his constituents enough to go for the unknown “conservative
populist” that seemed to at least listen to their concerns. And thus one of the
real movers and shakers in DC had so forgotten that he was supposed to actually
care about the people he represented, they finally said “enough!” That is a
much more interesting take on his upset loss and might actually scare some
politicians straight on both sides of the aisle.
Missing from the show in a general sense is a deep level of criticality
beyond the Realpolitik strategy of the moment. They speak of how Hillary
Clinton can overcome the fact that she is rich, how a Republican presidential
candidate can overcome the stigma of their anti-immigrant attitudes, how the
Republican party can do a complete about face on immigration without any
ramifications and how the wealthy television personality should apparently be
considered the “model father” we should all aspire to emulate. At the heart of
it, is the simple problem that the media – particularly on television and the
in the elite print newspapers and magazines – has substantially more in common
with the politicians, celebrities and businessmen than the people they are
supposed to be informing. Since almost all of them now work for big
corporations themselves, make huge salaries, add supplemental money from book
deals and speaking fees and thus live the lives of the top 10 (if not 1)
percent, can we really expect them to be more critical. The answer to that
question is clear and thus the bind we find ourselves in today, seeking out a
representative, any representative, that might actually not only hear what people
say, but work to see that they fight for what those people want, need and
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