outside money continues to flood into Senatorial and House elections in places
like Alaska,
with the GOP seeking to regain control of the former and solidify their
dominance of the latter, something occurred to me about the nature of our
separation of powers and balance of powers. The judiciary is supposed to
represent the law/constitution, but the other bodies of government have
specific roles tied to their proximate location. For the executive branch,
their responsibility it to look after the interests of the nation and the
people. Given this reality, one can make a reasonable argument for spending by
any American (and even foreigners, though this seems to undermine the national
interest). Senators are supposed to represent state interests and the house of
representatives the people – IN THEIR DISTRICT.
recognizing the roles of Senators and Congressman, does outside money make
sense? In fact, it appears to be contrary to the intentions of our founding
fathers and contradictory to the whole notion of a bicameral system, balance of
power and the fight against tyranny. If a Senator is supposed to represent the
interests of Alaska, isn’t it a little troubling if he or she is receiving
money from say Texas – whose own interests might be at odds with those of the
citizens of Alaska? What of a Representative who will represent a predominantly
minority population, or working class population, or middle class white
population even, receiving Wall Street money, or Tea Party money from out of
reality is that money has corrupted our political system to such an extent that
the notion of politicians representing the interests of the people seems almost
quaintly de mode. But is it? Don’t we live in a representative democracy where
our representatives are supposed to, like, represent our interests? Is money
really the same thing as speech? Do corporations really live and breath like
human subjects and, if not, should they really be proffered the same rights as
human American subjects? As the Supreme Court has moved in the opposite
direction over the past several years, it becomes incumbent on the people to
demand change. Now, more than ever, this is at the heart of the democratic
challenge facing us.
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