Saturday, October 12, 2013

Death & Taxes: GOP Decline

For the last 30 years or so, I’ve often wondered if a time would come when people finally grow weary of the small government, hate mongering, anti-tax, corporation and elite-sponsored Republican party. Has that time finally arrived? Polls show approval ratings for the GOP at all-time lows (SF Chronicle) and the old guard has certainly gotten in on the critique over the past year. Today, they are holding America and the President hostage to undermine legislation passed by all three branches of the government. What are the people to think? Sure the lunatic fringe is happy, but what about everyone else? Can we really have altered the social contract this much? Do we really want to have our parents and grandparents moving back in with us as retirement funding dries up? Do we really want people dying in the streets and even more homeless? Do we really want the general quality of life to decline as democracy becomes yet another meaningless buzzword? These are serious questions that must be answered as people go to the polls in November. Let’s hope they can remember their collective anger that long …


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