Conservatives never have been big fans of
watching what they say. They are Americans and this is a free country, damn
you, so read the First Amendment and shut up already. Or something along those
lines. They are, of course, quite good at critiquing others for “whining” when
they complain about racism, sexism or any other ism, that all really only
exists in the minds of liberals anyway. And they are equally adept at ending
conversations with a series of phrases that spell doom for their opponents,
including “race baiting,” “class warfare,” “socialist,” “tax and spend” and the
like. But conservatives are not known for taking words too seriously, now are
Well it turns out some are. In fact, Rep.
Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) recently complained about being called a “climate
denier” for his doubts about the human contribution to global warming. He
claimed that the term came too close to the much more maligned “Holocaust
denier.” (Salon)
While there might be some truth here, this seems to go against everything
Conservatives stand for – making them seem like the new PC party. It might be a
welcome change, allowing liberals to actually support the First Amendment,
something far too many only do selectively. For example, are the liberal
professors and students that work to block individuals they disagree with from
speaking at campus events. This is exactly what Freedom of Speech is about –
allowing people who disagree with us, or even make us sick with their hatred,
to have the opportunity to have their voices hurt.
Conservatives have been playing victims for
almost 25 years now, starting with the election of Clinton and the conservative
radio, television and internet punditocracy that was borne in its wake. But
while they are offended by everything from affirmative action to liberal media,
many of us believed they adhered to the old playground axiom “sticks and stones
may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Apparently, even this truism
no longer exists on the right. So watch your mouth, or they’ll wash it out with
carbon monoxide emissions!
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