Friday, November 29, 2013

Obama Vendetta - Christian Militia Style

Right-wing groups have always relied on galvanizing the nutty, violent and unstable (often conspiratorial) masses, from Hitler and Mussolini to the religious evangelicals and Reagan Right. And the results can often be tragic. The much maligned Tea Party and bygone militia movements of the 90s generally threaten more than they accomplish, but the threats are still there and create the chaotic political and social climate in which we currently live.

A Christian Militia group known as the Christian American Patriots Militia has just threatened the President’s life, claiming he has usurped the constitution and currently serves as a dictator. This is, of course, a federal crime, but the mislaid anger that I have written about in the past is so obvious here. It is this ability to scapegoat, to disassemble, to disarm, to enrage, to misinform and foment hatred that has served conservatives for a century at least. Will it ever end? Here is the Facebook post for those who might be interested:

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