Thursday, May 10, 2012

Good Ole Boy

The hits just keep on coming with good ole Mitt Romney, who apparently is a first-rate prankster. This includes joking with a state trooper who "short sheeted" a hotel room when he was governor by writing him a letter that the staff had been fired. And in his private prep school, he apparently forcefully cut the hair of a kid whose he thought was too long and chided another closeted gay student with, "atta girl" in class: Yahoo News. While President Obama took the audacious step of being the first major national politician to openly support gay marriage, Romney apparently has a history of bullying them. I suppose it is not surprising for a guy who worked on Wall Street, long a bastion for the uber-masculine, uber-competitive A-type personalities who take joy in destroying companies, forcing through mergers that cut jobs and dehumanizing anyone in their way. But is an unempathetic President really what this country needs right now? It will certainly feed the hatred and intolerance that seems to grow with each passing day here and in Europe. But maybe there is actually another third way that could set the sails of the country on a new path.

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