Sunday, September 18, 2011

Taxing the Rich vs. Class Warfare

Interesting blog post on the Washington Post website today: Blog. The post explores a variety of proposals to gradate tax rates for those making over $500,000. The various proposals could earn the government anywhere from several billion to one trillion dollars over the next decade. The pain to individuals would not be too great, as most of the proposals increase their rates by 1 to 10%. The plans are sensible and should be instituted to help solve two problems at once: 1. The unfair distribution of income and wealth in the country at present and 2. The growing deficit and debt. It is time to start acting responsibly as a country, before it is too late. How long will the public allow elected officials to protect the wealthy and corporations at the expense of the poor and working class? I suppose we will find out more on Monday ... but it really is time to put the "class warfare" argument to rest forever (Fox News).

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