Monday, January 24, 2011

Investment Just Another Name for Spending to GOP

In preparation for the State of the Union address, Republicans showed up on the Sunday talk shows to warn that they seek cuts in all areas of the economy: "Investment" in silly luxuries like education, infrastructure and technology is just a democratic trick to try to help those who are unemployed, underemployed or working for meager wages (i.e., the lazy and "illegal immigrants"). Obviously in these difficult times of soaring corporate profits and growing wealth at the top, it is still unfathomable to either raise taxes on the richest Americans or seek to stimulate the economy through approaches that worked for the better part of 30 years, until the stagflation crisis of the 70s. The underanalyzed (at least outside of academia) language games of conservatives have altered political debate in this country away from even a modicum of reason or sanity; continuing unabated by truth, an even cursory understanding of economics or a reasonable discussion of the growing underclass in America. "Social justice" is just another word for "socialism," (as is government stimulus spending or tax hikes), talking about race is "race baiting," talking about social class is engaging in "class warfare," all democrats are "tax and spend" addicts and the deficits they continuously accumulate while they are in the White House become magically based on the policies of those who inherit them. Now "investment," one of the pillars of neoliberal discourse for the past 30 years, is a bad word itself and many Republicans are seriously considering letting states go bankrupt. When will the madness end? Maybe when they outlaw the democratic party itself and can simply spew their destructive policies with no resistance at all.

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