There is
certainly disagreement about who won the debate tonight, but I feel, both on
the issues and on style, Clinton won hands down (see/read highlights here: NYT,
Trump played fast and loose with the truth, interrupted Clinton consistently
(at least in the first half of the debate) and rambled on almost incoherently
from one topic to the next, often failing to even engage with the question
asked. Rather than addressing most of the charges leveled against him, he
instead turned each one onto Clinton, whether that ad hominem was relevant or
not. At one point, Clinton said that by the end of the debate she expected
Trump to blame her for every problem in America, to which he replied “why not?”
his most outlandish comments, a few stuck out to me: 1) He essentially admitted
he doesn’t pay some of his employees after they do work, as that is “allowed by
the law,” 2) He claimed the Democrats have controlled the black vote for over a
100 years, 3) He sidestepped questions about his taxes, turning it onto the
non-story of the email imbroglia, 4) He continues to push Reaganomics, even as
that economic policy has been shown to be an abject failure, 5) Continued to
claim Clinton helped form ISIS (long before it even existed), 6) Again said we
should have broken international law and “taken the oil” from Iraq (ignoring
the prohibitive costs and time it would have taken to accomplish), 7) Continued
to lie about his support for the Iraq War, even as anyone can easily find the
Howard Stern clip (claiming that Sean Hannity can attest to this through
private conversations they had), and 8) Consistently told half-truths and
outright lies as if they were incontrovertibly true (see the Fact Check from New York Times here).
extraordinary reality is many Americans don’t seem to care that Trump lies
consistently, acts like a child, is cavalier about international relations and
most other important issues in the country, is barely articulate at times and
seems to have little knowledge of issues that should be de rigeur for a Presidential
candidate. He seemed like a petulant child with a bad haircut tonight, lying,
chiming in with questionable claims backed by absurdly simplistic rhetorical
strategies (“believe me”) unrelated to reality and using school yard retorts
rather than answering questions.
looked Presidential, if occasionally robotic, failing to fall prey to Trump’s erratic
behavior, bullying and overall disrespectful attitude, clearly winning the
debate. The problem is that his supporters fundamentally disagree with me and
it is unclear what the 20 or so percent of the voting public who are undecided
will take away from the debate. It did appear he was coding a masculine mien
meant to feed on male discomfort with the thought of a female president, but
how far that strategy will go is unclear – particularly after the racist
campaign of McCain and Romney failed to stop President Obama’s two victories.
It will be interesting to see what the polls tell us tomorrow, but I am mildly optimistic
this might turn the tide back toward Clinton …
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