Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Weather Forecast

It’s hot! Where? Just about anywhere. According to the two most reliable barometers of global temperatures, we just went through the warmest quarter in history (since we starting keeping temperature records in the 1880s). This may be good news for those hoping to swim in Alaska in 50 years or those whose inland housing might become beachfront around the same time, but not such good news for the rest of us. The Japanese Meteorological Agency claims June was the warmest June globally since 1891, following April and May being the highest temperatures ever recorded. A NASA report confirmed these findings, with only very incremental differences at the .000 level. And while global warming doubters will find a way to diminish the results, it is hard to argue that the arctic sea ice level is trending toward record lows, abnormally warm ocean temperatures spawned the earliest hurricane ever to make landfall in North Carolina and heat waves are on the rise across the globe. And finally, in April, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels reached a monthly average of 400 parts per million for the first time in 800,000 years. I’m not sure what they actually means, per se, but it sounds exciting! I suppose Alfred E. Neuman provides the best advice under the circumstances … what me worry?

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