Thursday, February 06, 2014

Media Bias: The Obamacare Lies Continue

The laziness and ineptitude of the mainstream media continues to impress in its consistency. Of course a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, but in America we love our fools, and maybe our hobgoblins in nice suits as well. The latest example takes us back to their uncritical coverage of Obamacare and another madeup right-wing conspiracy, that they parrot without checking the facts (remember those “death panels” or the failure before it started). Conservatives essentially misread, either accidentally or purposefully, a CBO report about the rollout of Obamacare, claiming it would cost us over 2 million jobs. Unfortunately, a closer look tells us the bill will actually create jobs – as the estimates are based on people voluntarily leaving the workforce because they no longer need employee-sponsored healthcare, opening up those positions for others who actually need the wages (WSFA). But why let silly facts get in the way when the media is working to disprove their “liberal” bias every day, from hour to hour. 

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