Friday, April 06, 2012

Some Thoughts on Life ...

I'm generally not that into positive "life" lists, but have read a couple of interesting ones recently on the subject:

Top Five Regrets of the Dying: The Guardian
15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: The Purpose Fairy

On a somewhat related note, an interesting chart from The Economist
on attitudes in various European countries regarding the pursuit of wealth: Daily Chart.

Finally, an interesting article on why city denizens are often "meaner" than their suburban and rural compatriots. One of the interesting findings was that those from Spanish and Portuguese-speaking cities tended to be more helpful and friendly based, among other things, on the idea of simpatico (or the value of helping others). While city life often involves isolating ourselves from neighbors, protecting ourselves from perils, numbing ourselves to the misery of others and busy, hectic lifestyles, it does seem that renewing the social contract would make everyone happier: Salon. Of course, how to do that without some dramatic tragedy is something no one seems to have the answer to.

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