Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Obama Leads in Latest Poll

In good news for those not interested in a "CEO" President redux, Obama has forged ahead of Romney in the most recent Washington Post-ABC Poll of the potential match-up (Slate). While Romney continues to lead slightly on the economy (48-45) and by a larger margin on dealing with the deficit (51-41), Obama has amassed an almost 10 point lead (52 to 48) overall. As the Republicans continue to duke it out for the nomination, even as it appears Romney has all but stitched it up, Obama can continue to build on the populist message he has been cultivating for the past two months while calling out the GOP for blocking any attempt to address underlying economic issues. This is backed by new unemployment figures that saw a drop to 8.3 percent, the lowest since the collapse. 

Obama now has to start the difficult work of building his case for reelection in the wake of continuing economic troubles while Romney continues to engage in damage control of the attacks of his nearest rival Gingrich, who almost seems intent on helping Obama win as his last realistic chance at a run for the country's top office goes the way of the Contract with America. The reality is most of the attacks levied by Huntsman, Paul, Santorum and now Gingrich are accurate and thus money the only real defense Romney has to a past as a corporate raider and flip-flopper extraordinaire. Questions about his Mormon faith are also coming to the fore and one does wonder if Mitt can really escape the fact he is the very embodiment of what so many in the country now despise.

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