Sunday, June 13, 2010

Marketers Empathize with Teens Who Lack Empathy

A new study finds that college students lack the empathy of their peers from 30 years ago: Students scored 40% lower on an empathy scale than those in 1979, based on 72 studies of 14,000 American college students. This is good news to marketers who have been trying to replace human emotions, family members and friends with products that can stand in and embody them. "Many people see the current group of college students - sometimes called 'Generation Me' - as one of the most self-centered, narcissistic, competitive, confident and individualistic in recent history," said Konrath, who is also affiliated with the University of Rochester Department of Psychiatry.

"While narcissism, individualism and self-centeredness might be bad for democracy and the common good, we love it," said marketer Sophie O'Patty, arguing empathy is a retrograde emotion that doesn't really serve humans in the 21st century world of success at any cost. "All empathy does is make us feel bad for the losers in the global market. That is a waste of our valuable time and cuts efficiency."

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