Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Election

As the election season heats up, I thought I would add my rather inconsequential two cents on a relatively daily basis; focused on the discourse and media coverage of the campaign. Today's New York Times op ed by the milquetoast David Brooks


seems rather reasonable on the surface. Yes Democrats are making promises they can't keep and will have tough decisions based on the rising deficit and faltering economy upon entering office (if we win). But, there is of course a solution that could help cut those deficits (which were surpluses when GWB entered office, lest us forget). It is simply to turn back the clock and, along with McCain in his original votes before moving right and trying to rewrite his personal history, get rid of the irresponsible Bush tax cuts that simply gave more money to the wealthiest Americans. Democrats should restore the inheritance aka "death" tax, close the loophole for hedge fund managers (who make in the tens and hundreds of millions and pay 15%) and return the system to its more progressive roots (we have essentially ended up with a de facto flat tax today). Of course, the "tax cut" tango must be challenged -- tax cut from the left, tax cut from the right, tax cut for a boom, tax cut for a bust -- and we might remember that there are alternative economic policies available to anyone with a little imagination or a history book that goes back over ten years. As the income gap continues to increase, our education system continues to fail us and the baby boomers shuffle towards retirement and old age someone better realize the times they are a-changing (again) and forge a new path . . .

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