Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Haves

The haves have been feeling pretty victimized of late, what from the Occupy movement to another Obama victory (he's just not that nice to them) to some recent television shows and movies that paint them in a bad light. Do they deserve it? Well, these are just a few overheard recent quotes, but maybe they should think about what they say in front of the hoi polloi ...

"The gift basket was so lame housekeeper wouldn't even take the stuff."

"Seriously, if I want to be alone, I have to go to the beach house."

"Oh, no. My driver has a brain tumor. It's awards season -- where will I find another driver."

"Ugh. We sent our kids to Curtis, and they only made friends with the scholarship kids."

"I am totally gala'd out."

However, recent titles from the conservative punditocracy make them seem like Sister Teresa (of course these are just predicted future titles, courtesy of VF) ...

Paul Ryan, The Audacity of Nope
Dick Morris, I Hate You, Nate Silver: 538 Ways to Win Back the Presidency
Jeb Bush, It Takes a Dynasty: The Bush Restoration Project, 2016
Ann Coulter, White is Right! Why Hebes, Homos, Chinks and Homeboys Should Vote GOP

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